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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
11/17/2024 | Signs of the Times! Part 4, The Woman and the Beast Core Truth: While from a human or earthly point of view many Biblical prophecies are hard to understand and interpret because they seem to be all happening “in the moment,” whereas in reality their various elements are often separated by literally thousands of years. Such is the case with our Scripture today where a large span of earthly history is telescoped down to seem like it is all happening at once but is actually spanning or covering a very large portion of history here on earth. |
Signs of the Times | Pastor Don Kroah | |
11/26/2023 | The King Is Coming! Core Truth: “The center of Christianity is the coming of the Son of God into the world as a real man to destroy the works of the devil and create a new people for His own glory. The very heart of our faith is that He did this by obeying the law of God, dying for the sins of His people, rising victorious over death, ascending to God’s right hand with all His enemies under His feet. The second coming of Christ is the completion of His saving work. If you take it away, the whole fabric of His saving work unravels.” (Dr. John Piper) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/1/2023 | All Things New Core Truth: In a world that is rapidly becoming darker and more ominous – even to the point that as our Lord predicted “men’s hearts are failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth” (Lk. 21:26), God’s message of hope for a hopeless world is that in the midst of it all, He offers a glorious new and eternal future for all who put their trust in Him, and He has secured that promise through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/28/2022 | A Theology of the Church, Understanding the Mind of Christ for His Church, Part 3 Core Truth: If we as Christ’s followers could ever begin to grasp the incredible future that has already been prepared and waiting for us upon Christ’s return to this earth, it would change everything in our lives … from how we spend our time, to how we raise our families, as to what we do with our money, to how we control our behavior and our speech, and even what we tolerate in our daily thought life. Literally everything about us would undergo radical transformation and reorientation, and truth be told, that is what true sanctification of the believer is really all about. |
A Theology of the Church | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/3/2021 | All Things New! Core Truth: There is a quality of newness coming that is literally out of this world, and because Christ came to suffer, die and be resurrected from the dead on our behalf, it is already underway here and now! As Dr. John Piper has said, “The invincible purpose of God for creation and for his people will not be complete until all things are made new and the glory of the Lord fills them all.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/4/2020 | Getting Ready For the Next Great Event: Investing Wisely in a Very Sure Thing! Core Truth: Human history is moving along a timeline that is irreversible in its direction, terrifyingly awesome in its elements, and glorious beyond imagining in its final outcome. In light of those realities, the truly wise will seek to maximize their effectiveness while here on earth so as to receive Christ's strongest possible "well done" and most abundant rewards when He returns. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/30/2020 | When The Die is Finally Cast Core Truth: In the course of human history there have been numerous times when God has in effect said – "It is enough!” and the irreversible die of His divine judgment has been cast. Current events would seem to suggest that we are on the very threshold of the most important such event of all. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/22/2017 | Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New, Part IV Core Truth: Having already given us a new heart, a new mind, a new mouth, a new name, a new way into His presence, and a new body, our loving God will bring it all to a glorious conclusion with a new heaven and a new earth in which we will forever be with the Lord! |
Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/8/2017 | Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New, Part II Core Truth: "The invincible purpose of God for creation and for His people will not be complete until all things are made new and the glory of the Lord fills them all." (John Piper) |
Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/1/2017 | Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New, Part I Core Truth: "The invincible purpose of God for creation and for His people will not be complete until all things are made new and the glory of the Lord fills them all." (John Piper) |
Celebrating the God Who Makes All Things New | Pastor Don Kroah | |
11/27/2016 | Building Christ's Church, Part VI - Destined for Glory and Splendor Core Truth: The Church of Jesus Christ is destined to live forever as His glory, while also reflecting its radiant splendor back to Him in loving adoration and praise throughout all the ages to come. |
Building Christ's Church | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/25/2015 | The River of Provision for Global Kingdom Impact (Part 3 of 3) | The Rivers of God | Pastor Don Kroah |