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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
3/26/2023 | The Joy & Wonder of Being in Christ Core Truth: Becoming a Christian is not a matter of signing up for a series of do’s and don’ts that are based on our ability to perform. Rather, becoming a Christian is a matter of freely receiving the incredible gift of a brand new life in Christ – a life filled to overflowing with everything needed to please God, bless and encourage others, and live lives that will be eternal in their consequence. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/18/2022 | The High Cost of Christmas Core Truth: As wonderful as the sights and sounds of Christmas are that bring us such joy and elation at this time of the year, we forget or perhaps have never even really thought about the fact that the wonder and joy of Christmas was born in a matrix of danger and death, suffering and adversity, anguish and loss at depths of levels that can hardly be imagined. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/18/2021 | These Little Troubles... Core Truth: In a world filled with seemingly endless pain and sorrow, grief and loss, shattered hopes and expectations, whether we come to see life as meaningful and worth living will be determined by the extent to which we understand that God’s plan for us is that our journey here is at best, very brief, and that the trials and afflictions we face are – far from being purposeless and wasted – actually preparing for us eternal joys, satisfactions, and delights beyond our wildest dreams! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/26/2020 | Living Our Lives By Faith, Part 2 Core Truth – The same gift of faith that enabled me to first place my trust in Christ for my eternal salvation is also the faith that will carry me through life to that very goal – which leads to the question – if I can trust Him for my soul’s eternal destiny, can I not trust Him also for the demands and challenges of daily life? |
Living Our Lives By Faith | Pastor Don Kroah | |
6/30/2019 | Waging Effective Spiritual Warfare, Part 4 - People Are Not Really the Problem! Core Truth: Surrounding us is a spiritual war … but amazingly, most believers live as if this conflict were not even happening, as if the “battle of the ages” was just a fantasy or sci-fi story . Until we recognize that our struggle is not with man but with spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places, we will never begin to live in victory. (Dr. Tony Evans) |
Waging Effective Spiritual Warfare | Pastor Don Kroah | |
3/3/2019 | Christ in Us, with Us, for Us, and Through Us, Part V - God’s Plan for Every Believer Core Truth: We truly allow Christ to live His life through us when we allow His Spirit and His Word to guide our minds, our emotions, and our wills. |
Christ in Us, with Us, for Us, and Through Us | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/29/2017 | Christian Stewardship: God’s Plan & Purpose for Every Believer, Part 3: The Law of Sowing & Reaping Core Truth: As certain as the law of gravity or any other of Nature’s laws, so certain is the law of seed and harvest – for whatever a person sows, that and that only is what he will reap. |
Christian Stewardship-God’s Plan for Each Believer | Pastor Don Kroah | |
4/23/2017 | When Life Brings Us Things We Weren’t Expecting… And Certainly Didn’t Want! Core Truth: “Sometimes God allows what He hates to accomplish what He loves...Heartache forces us to embrace God out of desperate, urgent need. There is nothing that moves a loving father’s soul quite like His child’s cry.” Joni Eareckson Tada |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/4/2016 | The Unopened Gift Core Truth: The finest gift that anyone could ever receive is of no benefit until it is opened and put to its intended use. |
The Unopened Gift | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/2/2016 | The Ultimate Example: What Perfect Stewardship Actually Looks Like Core Truth: Our Lord Himself has given us the most perfect example of what Christian stewardship actually looks like and as His disciples, He invites us to do the same. |
Biblical Stewardship | Pastor Don Kroah | |
9/18/2016 | Obedient Stewardship - the Key to Being Blessed by God Core Truth: Obedience in stewardship frees God's hand to meet our own needs abundantly while also giving us much greater ability to serve Him and advance His kingdom more generously. |
Biblical Stewardship | Pastor Don Kroah | |
6/5/2016 | Christian Giving that Pleases God & Blesses the Giver Core Truth: 'Christian stewardship begins with God at the center. When stewardship revolves around any other center, it is misconceived.' Our giving reflects our true priorities and indicates our obedience to our Creator's command 'You shall have no other gods in place of Me.' |
Giving that Pleases God & Blesses the Giver | Pastor Don Kroah | |
4/10/2016 | The Purpose and Usefulness of Suffering Core Truth: Because of our new life in Christ, our present sufferings and even death itself are no longer ‘the great outrage!’ Every pain or problem our heavenly Father permits is always for our ultimate good in this life, and carries great eternal purpose for the life to come. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/27/2015 | Later! (Part 1 of 2) (The Dangers of Waiting Until a More Convenient Time) Core Truth: The five-letter word “Later” can be one of the most destructive in our vocabularies – certainly in regard to our own daily lives but especially regarding our obedience to the known will of God |
The High Price of Procrastination | Pastor Don Kroah | |
12/7/2014 | Giving Shaped by Gratitude | Pastor Don Kroah |