Visit PHBC
Welcome to Plymouth Haven Baptist Church
We would love to have you and your family join us this Sunday. We're seeking to lead people further into a life-altering relationship with the living God—and our programs reflect that. The authority of God's Word is preached without apology and His Son is exalted with gratitude and adoration. We believe that God is calling us to be a catalyst for spiritual awakening in our community and beyond. We are excited about where God is leading us, and invite you to be a part of it. Plymouth Haven is a place where loving and caring friends will help you and your family grow in God's grace.
Sunday at Plymouth Haven
- 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. - Bible Fellowship classes in the Education Building. Bible study and fellowship for all ages, pre-school through senior adult. Nursery care is available in Room 211. You can begin by stopping at the office in the Lobby where volunteers can help you get your children to age appropriate classes, find Bible Fellowship classes that interest you, or answer any questions you might have about our church. We look forward to meeting you this Sunday!
- 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. - Worship Service in the Sanctuary. Our worship service features a blend of traditional and contemporary worship music and practical Bible teaching. If you are just arriving for the worship service, enter the Sanctuary from the entrance nearest Fort Hunt Road. Children ages 3 thru second grade can stay with you through the service or depart with the Children's Director to Children's church in Room 217. We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of each month.
- What to wear? The Lord focuses on the heart more than on the outward appearance, and so do we. You'll find a wide variety in dress among our congregations—from casual jeans to more formal. We simply aim to dress so as not to draw attention to ourselves, but keep the focus on Jesus Christ alone.
- Where to park? We have convenient, reserved parking spaces located near the Fellowship Hall entrance for our first-time guests. After parking, follow the signs leading you to the Sanctuary.
More about Sundays...
Our Location
Plymouth Haven Baptist Church is conveniently located at the intersection of Plymouth and Fort Hunt Roads, at 8600 Plymouth Road, Alexandria, VA 22308.
- From Capital Beltway: Take the Rt 1 / Ft Belvoir exit south, turn left on to Ft Hunt Road. Go 4.6 miles on Ft. Hunt Road (pass Belle View Shopping Center on left, Hollin Hall Shopping Center on right, then Collingwood Rd and Aldersgate Methodist Church). Just past Sandburg Middle School (on right) and Waynewood Blvd (on left), turn left on Plymouth Road. Take the second RIGHT into the church parking lot.
- From Alexandria: Take the George Washington Parkway South out of Old Town. Turn RIGHT onto Waynewood Blvd. Turn LEFT onto Fort Hunt Rd. Take the second RIGHT into church parking lot.
- From points South: From Route 1 north turn RIGHT onto the Mt Vernon Memorial Hwy. At the Mt. Vernon traffic circle, go 3/4 around to the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Continue North. Turn LEFT onto Vernon View Dr. (just past Cedar Knoll Restaurant). Vernon View Drive becomes Fort Hunt Rd. Turn RIGHT onto Plymouth Road. Take the second RIGHT into the church parking lot.
- By Bus: Fairfax Connector Route 101 bus stops at the intersection of Plymouth and Fort Hunt Roads.