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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
1/26/2025 | Ask and Keep On Asking! Jesus does not want you left without the Holy Spirit – John 14:26 |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
1/19/2025 | Teach Us to Pray The Lord listens and hears the prayers of sinners that genuinely and sincerely seek Him (Psalms 51:1 – Have mercy on me God). The Lord listens to Prayers of Repentance coming from the heart that confesses and repents (Romans 10:9 – If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart…). The Lord listens to Prayers of those that humbly request that He will reveal Himself to them (James 5:16 – Prayers of the Righteous…). |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
1/12/2025 | Leave It All Behind Live your life in a way that proves repentance and seek God’s purpose for your life. |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
1/5/2025 | Will You Serve Even When You Don’t Understand? As we try to discern God’s will for us, we are often taken in directions we did not plan, or maybe even that we do not want. Yet, God is bringing about His will for us. Just like Joseph, we can’t see the whole picture. Just like Joseph, our task is to see that Jesus is brought into our part of the world. And just like Joseph, we have a choice. We can obey or we can disobey. Because Joseph obeyed God, God used him to change the world. Can He do the same with us? |
Don Foster | ||
12/29/2024 | Entering the New Year with Hope! Core Truth: No Christian needs to enter a new year without hope! As poet Alexander Pope once wrote in his poem An Essay on Man, hope really does “spring eternal,” and regardless of how 2024 may have been, as God’s children we can have real hope that 2025 can and will be a better year, because according to God’s Word in such places as Jeremiah 29:11-12, He has a Master Plan for each one of us and according to Philippians 1:6-7, He is in the habit of finishing whatever He starts! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/22/2024 | The Ultimate Goal of Christmas Core Truth: I’m sure some of you remember quite clearly the opening question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, “What is the chief end of man?” and of course the equally well-known answer “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Today, as we are given by God’s kindness and grace another opportunity to celebrate the wonder and beauty of the Christmas Season, I want to talk about the three basic ways by which we can do that, namely, by means of praise, thanksgiving and worship – and to that end I’d like us to consider three points. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/8/2024 | Let There Be Peace on Earth Core Truth: The theme of our Second Advent Sunday service this morning is expressed in one of the most elusive of all the entire world’s desires – the word peace. It is a longing and desire for which profoundly horrible and destructive wars have been fought. Entire nations have been eliminated, and innumerable organizations both large and small have worked long and hard to bring about, and yet we seem further away from its reality than ever before. In today’s message we’ll consider these thoughts about it. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/1/2024 | Hope Until the Final Bell Hold Fast Orient Trust Towards God Proclaim His Presence Experience Renewed Strength |
Rev. Tim Pewett | ||
11/24/2024 | On Being Thankful Core Truth: According to Scripture, a heart of thankfulness is not an add-on to our lives as Christians, but is meant to be integral to who we are as God’s children. As Dr. John MacArthur once put it, “A thankful heart is one of the primary identifying characteristics of a believer. It stands in stark contrast to pride, selfishness, and worry. And it helps fortify the believer’s trust in the Lord and reliance of His provision, even in the toughest times. No matter how choppy the seas become, a believer’s heart is buoyed by constant praise and gratefulness to the Lord.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/17/2024 | Signs of the Times! Part 4, The Woman and the Beast Core Truth: While from a human or earthly point of view many Biblical prophecies are hard to understand and interpret because they seem to be all happening “in the moment,” whereas in reality their various elements are often separated by literally thousands of years. Such is the case with our Scripture today where a large span of earthly history is telescoped down to seem like it is all happening at once but is actually spanning or covering a very large portion of history here on earth. |
Signs of the Times | Pastor Don Kroah | |
11/10/2024 | Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy Core Truth: “Christians around the world are experiencing severe persecution. The consequences for professing faith in Jesus Christ range from stereotyping and marginalization in the west to enslavement and martyrdom in parts of the east. As unwelcome as it may be, persecution is not surprising. Jesus warned His believers, ‘A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.’ (John 15:20). The strange truth about persecution is that it has an enigmatic effect: it strengthens the Church! In Romans 5, the apostle Paul encourages believers to ‘glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope’ (verses 3-4). History bears testimony to the fortifying effect of persecution.” Dr. David Jeremiah. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/3/2024 | The Incredible Faithfulness of God Core Truth: Believing that every true believer wants to please God and receive His unqualified approval when we finally stand before Him, it is most encouraging to know that our ultimate success in that regard does not depend upon our faithfulness but upon His – and that His faithfulness cannot ever change! Such confidence enables us to live truly free in Christ, knowing that while we are not yet perfect, we one day shall be – and that even then that most generous gift given to each of us will not be on our deserving it but on His unchanging faithfulness. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/27/2024 | Signs of the Times (Part 3) - Why Is Israel Under Such Relentless Assault? Core Truth: While current events would seem to suggest that due to mankind’s age-long rebellion against Him and His rule over us, God has finally turned His back on His world and left man to his own fate. However, even a brief search of the Scriptures will indicate that such will never be the case and that in fact, we – the very people living in this present generation – may well be those who are even now starting to see the ominous signs of the arrival of one of the most dramatic events in all of human history – the Day of the Lord! |
Signs of the Times | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/20/2024 | Signs of the Times (Part 2) Core Truth: An ugly scourge called “antisemitism” has once again raised its virulent head across the world and even here in our own nations of America. Described as “hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people,” it has been called “the most ancient hatred” – a deadly scourge that has stained the pages of Israel’s history through most of her existence – especially since the crucifixion of Christ. However, its Biblical roots go much further back and will only be eradicated by His glorious return at the end of this Age. |
Signs of the Times | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/13/2024 | Signs of the Times! Core Truth: While the world is increasingly confused and frightened as to what the future might bring, believers have no need for such fears. As Paul wrote to the Christians of his day in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6: “But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should take you unawares, or surprise you like a thief. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.” |
Signs of the Times | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/6/2024 | The Profound Power of Choice Core Truth: Among all of God’s creation, the power of choice is a freedom granted only to mankind and as a result carries with it profound implications both for the course and usefulness of our lives here on earth and ultimately our destination for all of eternity! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/29/2024 | The Illogical Peace of God Core Truth: While as believers we are called to live out our faith in a very troubled and uncertain world, rather than reflecting that turmoil in our own lives, Christ’s desire is that by the power of the Holy Spirit and the sure Word of God we learn how to live above the turmoil and uncertainty as we demonstrate to a watching world what knowing Him as Lord and Master really means for all who are willing to put their trust in Him. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/22/2024 | What’s in a Name? Core Truth: There is only one Name on which the fate and future of the entire universe and everyone in it hangs like a Damoclean sword, and it is of importance that everyone – every man, woman, and child – get to know, honor, celebrate and serve the One who holds that Name in order to not only be able to live their most satisfying and productive lives while here on earth, but especially and above all doubt, to ultimately secure the saving of their eternal souls! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/15/2024 | "This One Thing I Do" - The Call to Singularity of Purpose Core Truth: In writing to Christians about a different subject matter in ancient Corinth (1 Cor. 14:10), the Apostle Paul said: “There are doubtless many different kinds of voices in the world, none of which is without its own significance and meaning.” In today’s message I want to borrow that as an analogy for life in general by suggesting that of all the things that invite, even strongly tempt, us to make them our life’s goal and driving passion none will ever match the call to follow Christ above else! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/8/2024 | Gathering Storm Clouds Core Truth: At this moment in history, the greatest danger to the Church of Jesus Christ is not the terrible storms whose clouds are growing larger and more ominous every day, rather its greatest danger is allowing itself to become a spiritual somnambulist, a sleepwalker – one who walks or perform other actions while actually sound asleep. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/1/2024 | A Reed Shaken in the Wind? Core Truth: Seldom if ever will God do things the way we would expect or prefer. In fact, it seems that most of the time He does the very opposite, and it is at those times in particular that He calls us to just trust Him and not waver in our faith. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/25/2024 | A Good Man Who Almost Threw in the Towel! Core Truth: Resentment and bitterness over either real or perceived wrongs and injustices can literally destroy us – both spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. It can also be a highly communicable disease that poisons others, which is why Hebrews 12:15 says Look after each other so that not one of you will fail to find God’s best blessings. Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives. Asaph, a man of God who was no novice in spiritual matters, is a remarkable case in point, which is why in this message I’m referring to him as “A Good Man Who Almost Threw in the Towel.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/18/2024 | The God of All Grace (Part 2), After You Have Suffered Awhile Core Truth: As we noted in last Sunday’s message, we know that the world is filled with mind-numbing examples of profound suffering and evil that seem to multiply on an ever-increasing basis, and in recent times it has become especially so for Christians. In today’s message The God of All Grace (Part 2) we will look at the age-old questions of why there is so much suffering in the world to begin with, and especially why our God of faithfulness and love hasn’t at least exempted His own children from it. |
The God of All Grace | Pastor Don Kroah | |
8/11/2024 | The God of All Grace Core Truth: Not unlike the believers of Peter’s time, today’s true followers of Christ are facing growing persecution, suffering, and adversities, both in the form of some of the greatest waves of torture and death now happening on a rapidly growing scale in many nations around the world which is at its worse since the earliest days of the church, but also in what’s been called a “soft persecution” now on the rise in nations such as our own, as those same deadly spiritual forces are manifesting growing hostility and social marginalization toward people of the genuine Christian community. As a result, the Apostle Peter tells us what to expect and how to handle these new realities. |
The God of All Grace | Pastor Don Kroah | |
8/4/2024 | The Necessity & Benefits of Brokenness, The Key to a More Fruitful and Effective Christian Life Core Truth: It is doubtful that there has ever been a Christian who has been perfectly satisfied with how well they have been satisfied with their level of success in living the Christian life and bearing the spiritual fruit that Christ taught should be the case when in John 15:16 He said: “You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you that you might go and bear and keep on bearing fruit, and that your fruit may be lasting, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give it to you.” However, our gracious and patient Lord has also given us the remedy to our frustration, and has actually modeled the solution for us, if we are willing to pay the price. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/28/2024 | Living and Walking in the Spirit Core Truth: The problem for many Christians is not that they have not really been born again and given a brand new life in Christ by the Spirit of God (see Ephesians 2:1). Rather, the problem is that in terms of their daily walk with Him, many are living largely fruitless lives compared to what He had in mind when in John 15:8 & 16 He said: “My Father is glorified and honored by this, when you bear much fruit, and (by so doing), prove yourselves to be My true disciples. You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed and placed and purposefully planted you, so that you would go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that your fruit will remain and be lasting, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/21/2024 | You Shall Know the Truth Core Truth: A relentless war has been waged against Truth throughout human history. It began in the Garden of Eden when the serpent first said to Eve? “Hath God said?” and it has not stopped since. Satan’s relentless war against the truth has continued to take its toll on every succeeding generation of mankind and it continues to this very moment, bringing untold misery, destruction and death to multiplied millions of people every day, and perhaps never more so than in this present hour. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/14/2024 | Hearing the Voice of God Core Truth: From our Lord’s own testimony itself, He and the Father have not left us to our own devices – about anything in our lives! And if He made it His life’s goal to get the mind of His Father on all the things that He said or did, how much more should we seek to do the same today. But for many that also raises such questions as: “Does God really speak to His children personally these days and if so, How does it do it? What does His voice sound like? And how can I be sure it is He who is speaking to me and not someone or something else? |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/7/2024 | When God Decides to Go Silent Core Truth: One of life’s most frustrating experiences for even the most dedicated Christians have often been those times when, no matter how many tears they have shed or how long and hard thy have prayed about something, God seems to have gone silent. It would be one thing if He did so due to stubbornness and disobedience on our part but when we know that to the bet of our ability we are living our lives in ways that please Him, why would He do that, how can we benefit from it, and how should we handle such times? |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/30/2024 | The Greatest Reset! Core Truth: Throughout human history men have tried to “reset” the world to their own will and liking, but all have failed, and always at great pain and cost to mankind. However, the greatest reset of all will be glorious beyond anything mankind could ever imagine and is much nearer than anyone may think. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/23/2024 | Great Certainties in an Uncertain World Core Truth: While it has been said that the only certainty of life is that it is uncertain, the actual truth is that there are a number of great certainties in this uncertain world, and that in God’s mercy and love, He has given every person a number of them to which, if we choose, we can anchor our lives and be able to ride out some of life’s severest storms and most difficult and trying times. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/16/2024 | The Voice of the Lord: A Tale of Two Choices When God Speaks, Diligently Listen |
Rev. Tim Pewett | ||
6/9/2024 | Hearing the Word of the Lord Core Truth: The Bible is God’s living Word and as such, has intrinsic life and power within itself to change the heart of the most hardened soul, the most disobedient or discouraged saint, and even the youngest child, therefore to study its pages on a consistent basis is to release a power and force for godliness that can never be found in any other way. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/2/2024 | An Irrevocable Resolve Core Truth: Though Christians in many parts of the world are increasingly being called to remain faithful to Christ in the face of growing persecution, such has not been the case for believers here and in most of the free world. However ominous signs are starting to appear that would suggest that may be about to change, and change very quickly – which leaves us with the questions “What would it take to cause us to deny our faith?” How irrevocable is our resolve to follow Christ and remain true to Him no matter what the cost? |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/26/2024 | Receive Repentant Christians as God in Christ Receives You Do this in Christ’s love, as family in Christ, by looking to Christ. |
Pastor Jimy Portocarrero | ||
5/19/2024 | Go, Make Disciples Matthew 28:18-19 |
Joe Mettimano; Ashley & Heather Holleman | ||
5/12/2024 | Mothers – One of God’s Finest Gifts Core Truth: Of the many gifts our kind heavenly Father so generously gives us, none can surpass the gift of a good and godly mother. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/5/2024 | Ways God Answers Our Prayers Core Truth: It’s been said that God answers prayers in one of three ways…He says “Yes,” and you receive what you ask for…or He says “No,” and you have to accept it and move on…or He says “Not yet,” and you have to be patient and wait. All three of these can certainly be true, but today we will look at each of them in a more in-depth way as we consider the following three points. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/28/2024 | The Profound Power of Persistent Prayer, Part 2 Core Truth: Phil 4:6-7 tells us that we are to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” However, while our faithful and loving God is most anxious to share His love and blessings with us as His children by both hearing and answering our prayers, too often He cannot do so because He can’t get our attention long enough to even have a conversation with us about them. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/21/2024 | The Profound Power of Persistent Prayer Core Truth: Phil 4:6-7 tells us that we are to “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” However, while our faithful and loving God is most anxious to share His love and blessings with us as His children by both hearing and answering our prayers, too often He cannot do so because He can’t get our attention long enough to even have a conversation with us about them. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/14/2024 | The Unpredictability of the Christian Life Core Truth: Throughout the Scriptures, whenever men and women say ‘yes’ to God’s call to follow Him, they did invariably so with far different expectations of what their lives were going to be like than what actually turned out to be the case, and if we today are really serious about answering that same call, we too will sooner or later find ourselves facing that same challenge, but in the end it will always be for our ultimate good. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/7/2024 | Seven Steps to a Successful & God-Pleasing Life Core Truth: Maximizing our potential of usefulness to Christ and His kingdom while we are here on earth requires that regardless of the obstacles or circumstances we may face, we must continue to press forward and press on in our Christian walk until the day He calls us home to Himself and we get to hear those wonderful words ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! Now enter into the joys of your Lord.’ |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/31/2024 | If Christ Be Not Raised Core Truth: Despite the “many infallible proofs” given to us of the literal bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, from the earliest days following that glorious event down to modern times, there have been relentless attempts to explain and discount that unprecedented reality in hopes of dismantling the whole edifice or structure of the Christian faith and the only hope of our eternal life and salvation. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/24/2024 | Cheering Crowds and Talking Rocks Core Truth: While Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday was met with great joy by only a few genuine worshipers who saw Him for who He really was – their long promised Messiah – a much larger crowd of religious leaders who were also there saw Him as a very serious threat to their own positions of power, and soon made sure that He was nailed to a cross in hopes of settling that issue once and for all. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/17/2024 | A Faith that Withstands the Storms Core Truth: The question is not IF the storms of life may come at some point into our lives, but rather it’s simply a matter of WHEN, and waiting until that moment to discover whether we have built our lives on the right foundation can be a fatal mistake. The wise person decides well ahead of time to build on the only foundation that is sure to last – the decision to follow Christ and Him alone. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/3/2024 | The Key to a Fruitful Life Core Truth: Death is always necessary for any sort of harvest to occur. This is a universal principle and if it applied to our Lord then surely it applies to us. We, too, will only bear fruit that is eternal to the extent that we are willing to die to self and all its wishes, aspirations, and demands, whereas whatever we are clinging to that He has asked us to surrender will cause us to remain unfruitful for eternity – the place and time where it matters most. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/25/2024 | The Matrix of Christian Ministry Core Truth: Whether we realize it or not, every believer is called to some sort of Christian ministry and if we allow Him to, God will use everything we’ve been through from the moment of our birth until now – whether good or bad – as the “matrix” or means of shaping our lives for maximum service and usefulness to Him and of greatest blessing to others. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/18/2024 | The God We Serve, A Look at Who God Is and Why He Merits Our Trust and Love Core Truth: Someone has asked: “Why does our view of God matter so much?” And their own answer to their question was “We must pursue an accurate view of God and not lose sight of His true nature. Our relationship with God, a result of our view of Him, is what makes us who we are. He loves us and He wants to have a relationship with us, which starts by getting to know Him for who He really is.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/11/2024 | A Kingdom That Cannot Be Shaken Core Truth: In a world which is being shaken in every sense of the word – from literal earthquakes, floods and other elements of nature, to political and social turmoil and upheaval, to violence and warfare – both here in our nation and even on a global scale, the call of our Scripture today is to remember Whose we are and how we are to live and conduct ourselves in such momentous times. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/4/2024 | Our Ever-Faithful God Core Truth: “Faith deals with the invisible things of God. It refuses to be ruled by the physical senses. Faith is able to say, ‘You can do what you like, because I know God is going to take care of me. He has promised to bless me wherever he leads me.’ Remember that even when every demon in hell stands against us, the God of Abraham remains faithful to all His promises. Jesus Christ can do anything but fail His own people who trust Him.” (Jim Cymbala) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/28/2024 | The Power and Purpose of Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Core Truth: Praise always precedes worship. Until we praise God – that is, until we recognize and acknowledge how infinitely great and awesome He is, and until our hearts are filled with gratitude for all He has done for us, we will not worship Him – that is, we will not bow down before Him as our Lord and offer our lives in service to Him. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/21/2024 | Where Is Your Faith? Core Truth: The storms of life in which we may find ourselves always reveal at least two important things: one, how genuine the quality of our trust in God and His work in our lives really is… and two, how absolutely sufficient Christ is in bringing us to safe harbor, even when it means passing through some of the most difficult and treacherous storms we may be facing, because His own ironclad promise is “and behold, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually – regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the very end (consummation) of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/14/2024 | The Gospel – God’s Answer to Man’s Dilemma Core Truth: Someone has very wisely said that “the Gospel is not God angrily saying ‘Turn to Me or I’ll send you to hell.’ Rather, the gospel is God’s Mercy and Grace saying “You are already on your way to hell! Turn to Me and I’ll save you!” As succinct and forthright an explanation as one could ask for, and one that the world desperately needs to hear? |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/7/2024 | Christ, The Perfect Sacrifice Core Truth: If we could ever say that God faced a dilemma, it would be how to repair the awful separation from His beloved creatures caused by mankind’s willful disobedience in the Garden of Eden. What could possibly be done that would be adequate in restoring God and man to the unbroken fellowship that they had both once enjoyed? The only answer had to be in the form of a perfect sacrifice – one that would be sufficient to meet the unbending demands of an absolutely holy and righteous God while also dealing with Man’s sinful rebellion, this re-opening the door to the Edenic fellowship both had enjoyed before the Fall. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/31/2023 | Looking Unto Jesus… A Great Way to End One Year & Begin Another Core Truth: However unexpected, unpredictable, and even unwanted some of the changes be that God allows to come into our lives – none is without divine purpose and ultimate benefit to our success and well-being if we will…with God’s grace and help, “fix our eyes on the Author and Finisher of our faith” – the One who out of sheer mercy and love reached out and saved us and started us on our journey unto eternal life, and has promised to get us all safely home. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/24/2023 | In the Fullness of Time, An Encouraging Look at God’s Timing and Ways of Working in Our Lives Core Truth: Not only are God’s ways always perfect but also His timing! Not only does He rule and overrule in the affairs of men and nations, but also in the most minute details of our own lives as His children – and nowhere is this more evident than in this wonderful event we celebrate each year called Christmas. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/10/2023 | The Terms of Our Peace We must accept Jesus’ terms of surrender |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
12/3/2023 | The Hope that we have in Christ Jesus is Logos in a world of chaos, Life in the midst of death, and Light in the domain of darkness. |
Dr. Randel Everett | ||
11/26/2023 | The King Is Coming! Core Truth: “The center of Christianity is the coming of the Son of God into the world as a real man to destroy the works of the devil and create a new people for His own glory. The very heart of our faith is that He did this by obeying the law of God, dying for the sins of His people, rising victorious over death, ascending to God’s right hand with all His enemies under His feet. The second coming of Christ is the completion of His saving work. If you take it away, the whole fabric of His saving work unravels.” (Dr. John Piper) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/19/2023 | Trusting God in the Hard Places of Life Core Truth: God’s love for us as His children is unconditional and there is absolutely nothing we can do to lessen nor increase it, and the same is also true about His faithfulness. These two realities are among the great and unchanging constants of the Universe – as He said through the prophet Isaiah When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Isaiah 43:2-3 |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/12/2023 | Living Our Lives in Christ How does living in Christ change our mindset? |
Minister Devon Gray | ||
10/29/2023 | It Shall Come to Pass…. Core Truth: A glorious and wonderful fact is that from the smallest and most seemingly insignificant events in our own personal lives, to the most monumental and global-sized events happening and yet to happen in our world, almighty God is going to see to it that whatever He has said He is going to do will surely come to pass! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/22/2023 | The Mountain of the House of the Lord Core Truth: In light of the latest chaos and violence currently happening in the Middle East, it may be hard to imagine anything ever improving or true peace ever coming to world. However, the Word of the Lord throughout Scripture in general, and in today’s text in particular, assures us that the day will come when Christ, the Prince of Peace, will Himself bring the true and lasting peace that is so desperately needed and that ultimately there will be many – beginning with Israel – who are ready to “walk in the light of the Lord.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/15/2023 | The Word of the Lord Concerning Israel Core Truth: The recent tragic events now unfolding in the Middle East have once again reminded me of something I’ve personally believed for years; that while there are many crises that have arisen to dominate much of the world’s attention from time to time, sooner or later God sovereignly allows things to happen that force the world’s attention back once again to the nation of Israel. Such, I believe, is the case with the current situation and in today’s message we’ll take a look at what may actually be happening now, what God’s Final End Game is going to look like, and what we can do to be prepared for it. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/8/2023 | Where is Your Refuge? Core Truth:"Be Still and know that I am God" |
Don Foster | ||
10/1/2023 | There Remains Yet a Rest Core Truth: While most Christians understand the call to rest in Christ for our salvation, many have not learned the truth of resting in Him in all areas of our lives – a reality that once discovered can enable us increasingly to live a peace-filled life even in some of life’s most difficult circumstances. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/24/2023 | Staying Connected and Being Pruned: The Keys to Eternal Salvation and Fruitfulness Core Truth: Everyone is connected to a “vine” of some sort, but only those who are truly in Christ and who remain connected to Him can experience genuine fruitfulness. And it is also only those who are willing to submit to the often painful process of divine pruning who will experiences that level of fruitfulness that delights the Father’s heart and validates one’s claim to being a true follower of Christ. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/17/2023 | Our Times Are in His Hands Core Truth is: Contrary to what we might expect or prefer, being chosen and loved by God does not exempt us from life’s many problems and like David and all of the saints through the ages, trusting God in the hard places of life is always a choice. However, if in our own times of trial and adversity we are willing to trust our wise and loving heavenly Father as David did, then we, too, can join him in saying “You are my God. My times are in Your hands.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/10/2023 | Real Rest for the Weary Core Truth: Trying to ‘keep the rules’ and follow Christ in our own strength will – literally – wear us out! It is only as we enter into the sweet reality of knowing that because of the His finished work on our behalf at Calvary we are now and forever ‘accepted in the Beloved’ that we can actually start to understand and enjoy the reality that His yoke truly is easy and His burden really is light. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/3/2023 | The Blood of Christ: The Most Powerful Force in the World Core Truth: “The blood stands out in solitary majesty, the only rock of our salvation. This blood is not simply the only thing that can save, but must save alone. Put anything with the blood of Christ, and you are lost; trust to anything else with this and you perish. Morality will keep you out of jail, but only the blood of Jesus will keep you out of hell. Beloved, it is a thought which ought to make our hearts leap within us, that through Jesus’s blood there is not a spot left upon any believer, not a wrinkle nor any such thing.” Charles Spurgeon |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/27/2023 | A Place Called Heaven Core Truth: We, Christians, have often been accuse of being so ‘heavenly minded that we’re of no earthly good.’ However, I do believe it can be empirically proven that throughout history quite the opposite is true… that the people who have made the most significant impact in this world are those who have been the most preoccupied with the one that is to come… and who would have understood quite clearly what the late Missionary Jim Elliot meant when he said: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/20/2023 | Habakkuk – A Prophet for Our Times Core Truth: “Habakkuk provides us with one of the most remarkable sections in all of Scripture – an extended dialogue between God and one of His prophets. Habakkuk initiated this conversation because of his distress about God’s seeming inaction in the world. He wanted to see God do something more, particularly in the area of bringing justice to evildoers.” (The Swindoll Study Bible) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/13/2023 | The Sweet Treasure of Christian Community, Valuing Our Place in the Fellowship of the Saints Core Truth: “It Is by the grace of God that a congregation is permitted to gather visibly in this world to share God’s Word and sacrament. Not all Christians receive this blessing. The imprisoned, the sick, the scattered lonely, the proclaimers of the Gospel in heathen lands stand alone. They know that visible fellowship is a blessing.” (Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/6/2023 | How Far? How Hot? How Long? Questions Asked by Some of the Greatest of God’s Saints Core Truth: Trusting God is always easy when things are going well in our lives; but the true measure of our faith and confidence that our heavenly father really does know all about us and is closely watching over us comes when an unexpected test, trial, or a temptation appears – suddenly throwing us off our game, as the saying goes. We find ourselves being tempted to doubt in the darkness what we were so sure about in the light. It is especially at those times that He wants to bring us to a new level of faith and trust in Him – ‘The God Who does ALL things well!’ (Mark 7:37) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/30/2023 | The God Who Cares Core Truth:When we find ourselves in some of the hard places of life it is quite tempting to question whether God has forgotten about us or whether He really cares about what we may be experiencing. However, it is at such times we must come back to His unchanging Word and trust that in the end all will be well, and that as the Psalmist once said, we too “…will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” (Psalm 27:13) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/23/2023 | More Precious than Gold:The Profound Value God Places on Our Trials & Adversities Core Truth: Sooner or later we all must come to some sort of conclusion about the fact that pain, troubles, and adversities are part of human life. As one writer put it: “If life is to be meaningful, we need desperately to find a place for suffering in it and to discover how to cope with it,” and nowhere are we given a better means of doing that than with what we learn from the Apostle Peter in our Scripture text for today’s message. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/16/2023 | The Unpredictability of the Divine Adventure Core Truth: If there has been that moment in time where we genuinely gave our heart to Jesus Christ and are now seeking to walk with Him in our daily lives, then every single one of us is on an “unpredictably divine adventure” – a spiritual journey toward our only true “home” that will be every bit as “unpredictable” as the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the countless others who have found themselves walking the same path, and it is a journey that and only be made by walking “by faith and not by sight.”. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/9/2023 | The Safest Place in the World Core Truth: In a world that is facing increasingly difficult and troubled times, it is the wise person who takes the time to learn how to find and enter the secret place of a strong and resilient relationship with God that will enable them to not just endure but triumph victoriously over whatever the Adversary and his forces of darkness will surely seek to bring against them. And those who do so will find themselves actually living in “the safest place in the world,” regardless of circumstances they may face. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
7/2/2023 | On Hearing the Voice of God The Core Truth is: As important as hearing God speak to us in a way that first brought us to faith and salvation, equally important is our need to hear His voice on a day-by-day and moment-by-moment basis. Only this will enable us to live our lives in ways that maximize our personal peace, help us define our purpose, and determine our kingdom productivity, while bringing the most possible honor and glory to our Lord and the greatest blessing and encouragement to others. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/25/2023 | In Life or Death, What Contributes to Our Joy and Confidence? Seeking God as your refuge |
Rev. Tim Pewett | ||
6/11/2023 | What Is the Life That Pleases the Lord? Are you living the kind of life that pleases the Lord? |
Rev. Tim Pewett | ||
6/4/2023 | The Cup My Father Has Given Me Core Truth: “There was the cup; hell was in it; the Savior drank it – not a sip, and then a pause; not a draught, and then a ceasing; but He drained it till there is not a dreg left for any of His people! The great ten-thonged whip of the law was worn out upon His back; there is no lash left with which to smite one for whom Jesus died! The great bombardment of God’s justice has exhausted all its ammunition; there is nothing left to be hurled against a child of God!” (Spurgeon Sermon: “It Is Finished”) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/28/2023 | The Spirit Within and Upon, Celebrating Pentecost Sunday Core Truth: “The work of the Sprit is to impart life, to implant hope, to give liberty, to testify of Christ to guide us into all truth, to teach us all things, to comfort the believer, and to convict the world of sin.” (D.L. Moody) “Without the Spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are as ships without wind. We are useless.” (Spurgeon) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/21/2023 | The Family That Wouldn’t Drink the Wine Core Truth: As with Israel and Judah of old, God still puts a very high premium on the attention and obedience we give to His eternal Word – both as found in the sacred pages of the Bible and in His personal words of instruction or correction given to us by the voice of the Holy Spirit. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/14/2023 | Six Mothers’ Stories in the Bible Core Truth: “Those who think that a woman detained at home by her little family is doing nothing, think the reverse of what is true. Scarcely can the godly mother quit her home for a place of worship; but dream not that she is lost to the work of the church; far from it, she is doing the best possible service for her Lord. Mothers, the godly training of your offspring is your first and most pressing duty…You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, training them up in God’s fear, minding the house and making your household a church for God as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts.” (Charles Spurgeon) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/7/2023 | On Hearing the Word of the Lord Core Truth: The worst thing that can ever happen to an individual… a church… or a nation… is when God stops speaking! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/30/2023 | The Tomb Is Empty & Christ Is Risen…Now What? Core Truth: Someone has wisely said that “It seems like too many people and ministries go right back to business as usual after Easter is over. They celebrated the empty tomb, but they celebrated the empty tomb from their personal vantage point. Most people give very little thought to what the empty tomb requires of us once we accept Him as Lord and Savior, but in a world increasingly filled with hopelessness and despair our witness as to what Christ’s resurrection really means is needed now more than ever.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/23/2023 | Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omnibenevolent King Jesus You are: |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
4/16/2023 | He is Worthy Trust in the Lord. See His character, His kindness, His goodness, His faithfulness and His unfailing love. Sing His praises. |
Rev. Tim Pewett | ||
4/9/2023 | lf Christ Be Not Risen… (The Implications Are Staggering) Core Truth: “If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that He said; if He didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what He said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like His teaching but whether or not He rose from the dead.” Dr. Tim Keller. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/2/2023 | All Hail to the King! Core Truth: As with Israel at a most critical moment of their national life, so today both nations … churches … and even individuals are ever in danger of missing God’s blessings and grace by failing to recognize the time of His divine visitations. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/26/2023 | The Joy & Wonder of Being in Christ Core Truth: Becoming a Christian is not a matter of signing up for a series of do’s and don’ts that are based on our ability to perform. Rather, becoming a Christian is a matter of freely receiving the incredible gift of a brand new life in Christ – a life filled to overflowing with everything needed to please God, bless and encourage others, and live lives that will be eternal in their consequence. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/19/2023 | What to Do When Trouble Comes, The Ultimate Usefulness of Adversity Core Truth: “Present suffering is not enjoyable, but life would be worth little without it. The difference between iron and steel is fire, but steel is worth all it costs. Iron ore may think itself senselessly tortured in the furnace, but when the watch-spring looks back, it knows better. David enjoyed pain and trouble no more than we do, but the time came when he admitted that they had been good for him. Though the aspect of suffering is hard, the prospect is hopeful, and the retrospect will start a song, if we are ‘the called according to His purpose,’ in suffering.” (M.D. Babcock) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/12/2023 | Chosen by God… but for What? A Look at God’s Plan & Our Place in It, Part II Core Truth: While we may never in this life come to full understanding or agreement on such great doctrines as those of Predestination versus Free Will, the more important practical reality is that whether we ever grasp it or not, for His own gracious reasons our loving Heavenly Father was quite intentional in choosing us to be His own, and wisdom would seem to dictate that we focus more on the ‘why’ than on the ‘what’. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/5/2023 | Chosen by God: A Look at God’s Plan & Our Place in It Core Truth: “Unconditional election means that our election is decided by God according to His purpose, according to His sovereign will. It is not based upon some foreseen condition that some of us meet and others fail to meet. It is not based on our willing or our running, but upon the sovereign purpose of God.” (R.C. Sproul) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/26/2023 | Everything We Need…For Living a Life that Really Matters Core Truth: “With our initial salvation, God has equipped us – by the indwelling Spirit – with an introductory packet that includes everything we need. We have access to resources which, when utilized, will result in usefulness and fruitfulness both horizontally – in our relationships with others – and vertically – in our relationship with God. But having the right equipment is no guarantee that we’ll benefit from it. We must use that equipment properly.” (Chuck Swindoll). |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/19/2023 | Transitioning into the Mind of Christ: A Lifelong Assignment & Process Core Truth is: A wise person once said “The Devil doesn’t care how much theology you know… just as long as you don’t use any of it.” There is a great difference between appreciating Truth and appropriating it, and perhaps nowhere is this more true than when it comes to learning how to truly access what we have been given – the actual mind of Christ – the powerful resource with which to live godly and effective lives for Him while here on earth. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/12/2023 | We've Been Given the Mind of Christ – Now What? Core Truth: While at the very moment of our New Birth we are given the mind of Christ, it is only through the lifelong process of ‘renewing our minds’ that we can begin to understand what that means and how it alone is the key to living a truly God-pleasing and God-honoring life. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/5/2023 | Receiving the Mind of Christ, The Power of a Prioritized Life Core Truth: The things that are on our personal lists of priorities are probably not in the same order as God’s list for us. And while upon receiving Christ we are indeed given a new mind, even the very mind of Christ, it is only by the constant process of ‘renewing our minds’ that our priorities begin to come into line with what God really has planned for us, and the more we do that the more we will be amazed at the power of a prioritized life! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/29/2023 | Church & Culture: A Mandate for Engagement Core Truth: A Biblically engaged church is a church that seeks to understand and live out the God-intended role in the culture in which it has been providentially placed, ever vigilant lest it be co-opted by that culture and thus rendered largely ineffective by the very environment it seeks to serve and redeem for the glory of God. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
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