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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
10/6/2024 | The Profound Power of Choice Core Truth: Among all of God’s creation, the power of choice is a freedom granted only to mankind and as a result carries with it profound implications both for the course and usefulness of our lives here on earth and ultimately our destination for all of eternity! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/7/2023 | On Hearing the Word of the Lord Core Truth: The worst thing that can ever happen to an individual… a church… or a nation… is when God stops speaking! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/31/2021 | Called to Action! Core Truth: Because God has so much more planned for us than we could ever imagine, He wants to protect us from the danger of becoming too comfortable with the things of this present life and thereby losing sight of the glorious future which He already has prepared for us, and that requires that we “prepare our minds for action and to set our hope fully” on Christ’s return. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
2/10/2019 | Christ in Us, with Us, for Us, and Through Us, Part 2 Core Truth: Christ living within us is God's guarantee that He will never leave us - not even for a single moment - until He has brought us safely home. |
Christ in Us, with Us, for Us, and Through Us | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/6/2019 | Looking Back … and Looking Ahead Core Truth: Whatever the past year may have given us, whether blessings or sorrows or a combination of both, the lessons offered in them can be great help in entering the new year if we are willing to believe that “… all things DO work together for good for those who love God and who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 |
Looking Back ... and Looking Ahead | Pastor Don Kroah | |
9/9/2018 | Service in the Kingdom! | Rev. Isah Abraham | ||
9/2/2018 | God’s Hunger Games! Core Truth: “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Our Creator made us with certain appetites or “hungers” that can only be satisfied by a wholehearted and irrevocable decision to pursue Him and Him alone, no matter what the cost. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/25/2015 | Bringing Us Out to Bring Us In Core Truth: God not only wants to bring us OUT OF our sinful past; He also wants to bring us INTO the full joy of His salvation, both here on earth and finally in our eternal home – heaven! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/4/2015 | The High Price of Procrastination (Part 2 of 2) (The Danger of Putting Off To Some Tomorrow What The Lord Wills For Today!) Core Truth: Perhaps only heaven will reveal our profound losses for saying, "Not now-maybe later.." |
The High Price of Procrastination | Pastor Don Kroah | |
7/19/2015 | To What Are We Going Up? Core Truth: When we insist on seeing God’s plans for us through our own eyes we will always misjudge the situation and risk missing all the good things He has planned for us. |
Pastor Don Kroah |